物件 About
物件種別 | 中古戸建 | Property Type: Pre-owned Detached House |
所在地 (住居表示) | 函館市上湯川町59-12 (川越宅) | Location: 59-12 Kamiyunokawa-cho, Hakodate City (Kawagoe Residence) |
価格 | 2,650万円(消費税等) | Price: 26.5 million yen (including tax) |
交通 | 函館市電本線湯川線 「湯の川」駅 徒歩33分 | Transport: Hakodate City Tram Main Line Yunokawa Line, "Yunokawa" Station, 33-minute walk |
構造 | 木造合金メッキ鋼板ぶき | Structure: Wooden with Alloy Galvanized Steel Roof |
階数 | 地上2階 | Floors: 2 above ground |
築年月 | 令和5年2月 | Built: February 2023 |
1階面積 | 70.38 m² | 1st Floor Area: 70.38 m² |
2階面積 | 42.23 m² | 2nd Floor Area: 42.23 m² |
3階面積 | - | 3rd Floor Area: - |
建物延面積 | 112.61 m² (公簿) | Total Floor Area: 112.61 m² (Official Register) |
土地権利 | 所有権 | Land Rights: Ownership |
土地面積 | (公簿)197.72 m² (約59.8坪) | Land Area: 197.72 m² (Official Register) (Approx. 59.8 tsubo) |
私道負担 | 無 | Private Road Burden: None |
地目 | 宅地 | Land Category: Residential Land |
地勢 | 平坦 | Topography: Flat |
接面道路 | 公道 | Road Access: Public Road |
方位 | 南 | Direction: South |
道路幅員 | 約8 m | Road Width: Approx. 8 m |
間口 | 約16 m | Frontage: Approx. 16 m |
建蔽率 | 50% | Building Coverage Ratio: 50% |
容積率 | 100% | Floor Area Ratio: 100% |
用途地域 | 第一種低層住居専用地域 | Zoning: Category 1 Low-Rise Residential Area |
防火地域 | 法22条区域 | Fire Protection Area: Article 22 Area |
都市計画区域 | 市街化区域 | Urban Planning Area: Urbanized Area |
区画整理 | - | Land Readjustment: - |
地区計画 | - | District Planning: - |
駐車場 | 有 | Parking: Available |
電気・ガス | 有 | Electricity & Gas: Available |
水道 | 有 | Water Supply: Available |
雑排水 | 有 | Wastewater: Available |
現況 | 居住中 | Current Status: Occupied |
引渡 | 相談 | Handover: Negotiable |
Please Contact us as soon as possible if your are interested.
※In case of any discrepancies, the current condition shall take precedence. Please understand that the property may be sold at any time. Upon contract conclusion, a brokerage fee will be charged in accordance with the standards set by law.
お問合せ Equiry
Tony Tso 曹先生 (ソウ)
Mail:info@dtswiftjp.com/ dtswiftjpinfo@gmail.com
詳細 Details
●種類 Type
一戸建・別荘/Single Family Home
●地区 Region
●価格 Price
2,650 万円
●階数/F. Built
●駅徒歩/mins walk
●総戸(部屋)数/ Rooms
●築年月/ Year Built
●状況/ Status
売却/For Sale
●所在地 Address