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売却/For Sale


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住宅部分:約95平方米 出租部分:約20平方米×2戶(月租16.2萬日圓)

現狀: 居住中. 交付日: 詳情協商





  • 2020年1月建造,生活設施約10分鐘以內

  • 配有肩部按摩功能的1.25坪浴室

  • 約2.2帖鞋櫃

  • LDK(客廳、餐廳、廚房)約22帖

  • 客廳吹頂高度約5.2米

  • 完全平坦的廚房(IH)

  • 約4.8帖的步入式衣櫃


  • 配有1個停車位

  • 前面東側6.5米寬公道

  • 外牆使用ALC施工,光觸媒塗裝完成

  • LDK天花板高約5.2米

  • 居室部分天花板高2.5米至3.6米

  • 所有居室面積6帖以上(住宅部分)

  • 主要開口部配有電動捲簾

  • 玄關配有鞋櫃(約2.2帖)

  • 客廳配有步入式衣櫃(4.8帖)+閣樓(6帖)

  • 2層臥室配有閣樓

  • 玄關門配有簡易觸控鑰匙

  • LDK約22帖

  • 配有全自動清潔風扇的排風罩

  • 隔牆部分兩面貼有隔音材料

  • 客廳地板供暖(天然氣)

  • 配有三重寬IH、電動洗碗機、感應水龍頭的廚房(Panasonic)

  • 1.25坪的系統浴室,配有肩部按摩功能(TOTO)

  • 浴室配有通風乾燥機

  • 配有手洗功能的懸浮設計馬桶(TOTO)

  • 配有中央淨水器(月租:1,375日圓)

  • 配有快遞箱

  • 地基經過調查(2019年8月)


  • 每個出租單元面積約20平方米

  • 配有獨立的廁所和浴室

  • 居室部分6帖以上

  • 每個單元配有閣樓


  • 區立光丘夏之雲小學 約160米 徒步2分鐘

  • 區立光丘第三中學 約300米 徒步4分鐘

  • さくらさくみらい光丘 約100米 徒步2分鐘

  • 練馬光丘醫院 約590米 徒步8分鐘

  • 光丘公園 約880米 徒步11分鐘

  • 夏之雲公園 約180米 徒步3分鐘

  • Maruetsu田柄店 約400米 徒步5分鐘

  • FamilyMart東大道店 約100米 徒步2分鐘


土地面積: 138.75平方米(41.97坪)

房產類型: 二手獨棟住宅

結構: 木造2層建築

建造年月: 2020年1月

面積: 133.64平方米(40.42坪)

  • 1層:72.69平方米

  • 2層:60.95平方米

  • 閣樓:3.2平方米

  • 總面積:193.0平方米

    房型: 2LDK + 步入式衣櫃 + 鞋櫃 + 出租×2

  • 建蔽率: 50%. 容積率: 100%

Nerima-ku, Tagara 5-chome Rental Mixed-Use Residence★★★

  • Residential Area: Approximately 95 square meters

  • Rental Area: Approximately 20 square meters × 2 units (Monthly rent 162,000 yen)

  • Current Status: OccupiedDelivery Date: Details to be negotiated

  • Price: 124,000,000 yen

  • Address: 5-14-6 Tagara, Nerima-ku, Tokyo

  • Transportation: 6 minutes walk from "Hikarigaoka" Station, Toei Oedo Line


  • Built in January 2020, with living facilities within approximately 10 minutes

  • 1.25 tsubo bathroom with shoulder massage function

  • Approximately 2.2-tatami shoe closet

  • LDK (Living, Dining, Kitchen) approximately 22 tatami

  • Living room with a ceiling height of about 5.2 meters

  • Fully flat kitchen (IH)

  • Approximately 4.8-tatami walk-in closet

★Facilities and Specifications:

  • Includes 1 parking space

  • Frontage on an east-facing 6.5-meter-wide public road

  • Exterior walls constructed with ALC, completed with photocatalytic coating

  • LDK ceiling height approximately 5.2 meters

  • Ceiling heights in living areas range from 2.5 to 3.6 meters

  • All rooms are over 6 tatami (residential area)

  • Electric shutters on main openings

  • Shoe closet (approximately 2.2 tatami) at the entrance

  • Living room with walk-in closet (4.8 tatami) + loft (6 tatami)

  • 2nd-floor bedroom with loft

  • Entrance door with easy-touch key

  • LDK approximately 22 tatami

  • Range hood with fully automatic cleaning fan

  • Soundproofing material on both sides of partition walls

  • Floor heating in the living room (gas)

  • Kitchen with triple-wide IH, electric dishwasher, and sensor faucet (Panasonic)

  • 1.25 tsubo system bathroom with shoulder massage function (TOTO)

  • Bathroom with ventilation and drying machine

  • Floating design toilet with hand wash function (TOTO)

  • Central water purifier (Monthly fee: 1,375 yen)

  • Delivery box

  • Foundation inspected (August 2019)

[Rental Units]

  • Each rental unit is approximately 20 square meters

  • Separate toilet and bathroom

  • Living areas are over 6 tatami

  • Each unit includes a loft

Surrounding Facilities:

  • Hikarigaoka Natsu no Kumo Elementary School: Approximately 160 meters, 2 minutes walk

  • Hikarigaoka Third Junior High School: Approximately 300 meters, 4 minutes walk

  • Sakura Saku Mirai Hikarigaoka: Approximately 100 meters, 2 minutes walk

  • Nerima Hikarigaoka Hospital: Approximately 590 meters, 8 minutes walk

  • Hikarigaoka Park: Approximately 880 meters, 11 minutes walk

  • Natsu no Kumo Park: Approximately 180 meters, 3 minutes walk

  • Maruetsu Tagara Store: Approximately 400 meters, 5 minutes walk

  • FamilyMart Higashio-dori Store: Approximately 100 meters, 2 minutes walk


  • Land Area: 138.75 square meters (41.97 tsubo)

  • Property Type: Used Detached House

  • Structure: Wooden 2-story building

  • Construction Date: January 2020

  • Total Area: 133.64 square meters (40.42 tsubo)

    • 1st Floor: 72.69 square meters

    • 2nd Floor: 60.95 square meters

    • Loft: 3.2 square meters

    • Total Area: 193.0 square meters

  • Layout: 2LDK + Walk-in Closet + Shoe Closet + Rental × 2

  • Building Coverage Ratio: 50%

  • Floor Area Ratio: 100%

お問合せ Equiry


Tony Tso 曹先生 (ソウ)


Tel / Whatsapp:
(+81) 70-2307-1477


詳細 Details 

●種類 Type

一戸建/Single Family Home

​●地区 Region


​●価格 Price





都営大江戸線  光が丘駅 徒歩 6分

●階数/F. Built


●駅徒歩/mins walk


●総戸(部屋)数/ Rooms


●築年月/ Year Built






●状況/ Status

売却/For Sale

所在地 ​ Address


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